Friday 14 February 2014

Love is like coming home........

Love is like coming home. Ever embraced someone after not seeing them for a long time. You take in the smell of their skin, the feel of their skin against yours, not to mention that warmth they exude that makes you want to just stay forever. To me love is like coming home. We all yearn for this feeling. It is like a fresh breeze right of the sea, it hits you with such an inviting fragrance and striking beauty. But it does return to the sea again. When the breeze hits you, you feel like it would stay forever, you begin to become so attached to it, like it will remain with you eternally, because you feel this has affected me in some way so the breeze and I have morphed into one. But controlling the weather or the currents have never been within your grasp, yes you feel the breeze when your palms are open but once you tighten your fist that breeze is lost forever. When we love we must be prepared to let go, it is the nature of things.

Heart Follower 

Monday 10 February 2014

Tree huggers hunger!

Yea, I am a self-proclaimed tree hugger. Whenever I see one I must hug it! It might be the inner hippie in me but I just love nature, it's so liberating. I hunger, hunger for connection with nature, and no it's not weird, connecting with nature makes me feel closer to God. I feel like I'm at home. But you know what else us tree huggers hunger for?-TRUTH!  We value that pure, deep intimate connection with people, we just strongly dislike any false pretenses of all sorts. Nothing wrong with that, I mean who really enjoys false pretenses, or shallow connections or just kinda in, kinda out, maybe kind of people? I love straight forwardness, while at times I may not have always been that way myself but it takes a lot of guts to say what you mean and mean what you say. Know what I mean? A lot of people are afraid to expose their true intentions for fear that they might get hurt. Truth is a life spent hiding in your own skin, being ashamed of who you are, and your true life's purpose is a far deeper pain than any pain someone could inflict upon you.  So what are you hungry for? What sets your soul on fire? Who are you really? Because the longer you take to figure this out, the longer you suffer. You will know when you discover who you really are and your truth, because when you uncover your true potential there is not a fiber of your being that will let your true passions go unexpressed. What are you hungry for?

Heart Follower