I can't believe I am still stuck in this mind-set. I mean sure some things are definitely out of our hands. But you have to work for everything you want in life. No excuses and no lies!
My advice is simple if you love something don't you dare let it go for a second, it is yours keep it safe with you. Because that little bird might just fly sky high away from you. And no I mean to lock it away and throw away the key. Nurture it, let it roam in your magnificent garden, show it with love and attention. But don't you let that bird get out of your sight because the minute you do is the minute someone else will swipe it away and take away your pride and joy. When that day comes when someone else has your beloved bird you must decide whether you want to continue to pursue it or find a new love. If you want to continue to pursue it you better hope that your actions portrayed the love and affection that you held in your heart for you beloved bird.
Heart Follower
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