We all have friends like this, some of us more than others,who get irate or shocked ...when they discover you have changed, they feel as if you should go back to being the old you. Why do you allow these friends who are obviously not serving any purpose in our current lives to continue to degrade the progress we have made? If you have friends that do not bring out the good in you, if they do not inspire and support you through your struggles then this is not a true friend and he/she does not deserve to be called your friend during your reign of glory. Don't waste a second of your precious time on people whose whole aim in life is to keep you down, stifle your dreams just so that they can climb over your dead corps to reach out the bucket. Leave those people where they are and climb to new heights with the select few who truly inspire that which is deep within you to flourish through the adversity and climb out the bucket of mediocrity, triumphant as the magnanimous flower you ought to be .
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